

Last solo acoustic performance - 92 or 93*
Last all-guitar show - 9/1/02, Aspen, CO
last appearance of the harmonica holder - 11/17/94, New York (Unplugged) **
last duet with joan baez - Munich, 84 ("I Shall be Released")
last new song played live before release - Wiggle Wiggle, 1990

* - some say the 6/17/93 Tel Aviv "blowin in the wind" was solo, and there have been been many reports of
other solo songs from late '92 and into '93. One way or the other, it's been a while. The duet with Elvis Costello in 2007 came pretty close!

** - Bob was photographed wearing one for Rolling Stone in 2009, but does not seem to have worn it onstage in 15 years!


Unknown said...

This is a remarkable amount of research and thanks for it!

monicasdude said...

Dylan was still doing solo acoustic songs (though not many) at least through the end of his 1992 touring, well after Bobfest. I saw one of those shows, and here's a link to an rmd post documenting such a performance.

Kenneth Lobb said...

This is an amazing compilation of research. I appreciate it. Fascinating stuff. Thanks.